Hair System to SMP Transition
Hair System to SMP
Anyone wearing a hair system knows there is ongoing maintence to keep it looking fresh all the time. For the longest of time men and women have been using hair replacement systems to cover their hair loss. It is however essential to choose the perfect hair system shape, color, texture and density to fit your lifestyle and the look you would like to achieve. Each piece needs replacing over time and generally a monthly visit is required at your hair replacement studio to maintain this.
Transitioning from wearing a hair system to Scalp Micropigmentation we know can be daunting. We understand after operating our sister company “A Touch Of Hair” which specializes in this field that we need to plan ahead and it indeed needs to be done gradually.
Adjusting to the upcoming change –
In most cases hair systems are attached with a scalp liquid adhesive. Moving from a liquid to a tape adhesive can allow you to have SMP treatments while you can remain wearing your system a few days after your treatment with LAB SMP. In between that period a clean hat or scarf it allows before having the SMP for you top get a small amount of sun. Having the skin hiding under a hair system for a long period of time the skin can become like baby skin and is generally white from no sun exposure. Making sure we can get you a little bit of sun in between before the SMP process will ensure the transition will go smoothly and the scalp will return to its standard color and normal condition, It is also just as important to lightly exfoliate. This will toughen the skin back to normal condition and remove the build up of dead skin cells that may have occurred while wearing a hair system. A moisturizer is also just as important to prepare the skin for the procedure. Our practioners can help you the whole way with this process via our sister company “A Touch Of Hair”.
Some clients after repetitive glue applications can be completely unaware if not told by there hair replacement stylist that in certain parts your scalp has become inflamed, red, minor infections and even blistery. This requires medical attention in some cases before beginning the process of Scalp Micro pigmentation. Going from liquid attachments to a tape attachment is step one allowing your scalp to breath first this will help any injured skin. Some tape attachments can last up to 3 weeks. So you will still remain feeling very secure throughout the whole process and we will be there to guide you the whole way through.
213 Victoria Street, West Melbourne. Victoria. 3003.